November 26, 2008

We're in the Big D

Marc and I left early yesterday morning on our way to Texas. We're spending Thanksgiving with Marc's dad and stepmom. It's our yearly tradition to go to the Dallas Cowboys game on Thanksgiving Day, then eat dinner after the game. I can't wait for tomorrow!

As I mentioned in this post, the drive here was quite an adventure! It still amazes me that people will drive all the way to their destination in the left lane. It's crazy, and I had to work really hard to control my road rage!

We also had to sit for over 45 minutes in a work zone, because people don't know how to merge. I don't know if I mentioned it in the other post, but we also had many, many cars that would fly by us in the left lane to try to get around the traffic. What idiots! I mean really, what makes them more important than the rest of the drivers? 

So, what should have taken us about 12 hours with stops, ended up taking us 13 and a half hours. Here's to Louisiana and Texas drivers! 


Jana said...

Glad you made it there safely, hope you are having a good time!