July 14, 2008

Good Morning from the Longhorn State!

Marc and I woke up in beautiful Fort Worth this morning! We left our house yesterday at 5:30am heading to see Marc's dad and stepmom. After making stops for breakfast, lunch, gas, and potty breaks, we finally got to Fort Worth at about 6:00pm. Pretty good timing if I may say so myself! I did all the driving, except for about the last 30 minutes. I had finally had enough and handed the keys over to Marc. 

One gripe about the drive here: Do people really think that the left lane is just to drive in? When my wonderful parents were teaching me to drive, I was taught that the right lane is for traveling, and the left lane was a passing lane. You drive in the right lane until you come up on a car that you need to pass, then you switch over to the left lane to pass the car, and then return to right lane after you have passed. Am I the only one that was taught this? (I know that Athens and Scottsboro drivers are taught just the opposite, but I digress.)

I lost count of the number of cars that were driving in the left lane without a care in the world. They were just cruising along, enjoying the scenery, and impeding the flow of traffic. I just don't get it! I came to the conclusion that the further west we went, the worse it got. Louisiana and Texas drivers were the worst offenders. And don't even get me started about people who wait to the last second to merge into the right lane when the left lane in closed for construction, even when there was a sign two miles back that said to merge. I found out that they get really ticked when you won't let them over. The audacity of some people! Do they really think they are more important than the fifty other cars they just passed? I just don't get it!

So, we are in the great state of Texas for a few days. We really don't have anything special planned. We're just going to hang out with the family and relax for a little bit. Maybe a little shopping, some German pancakes...We'll see what happens!