November 5, 2008

One Week

Well, it's been one week since we had to put Guiedo to sleep. It's been a hard week, but each day is getting better. Thank goodness I had the diversion of jury duty to keep my mind occupied!

I still miss Guiedo every day. I still haven't broken the habit of checking his food bowl before I feed the other two. I've always heard that it takes about 30 days to break a habit, so I figure that I have about 23 more days. At least I'm not crying now every time I feed the dogs. It was so bad at one point that Marc offered to take over that duty. (He usually feeds them in the morning, and I feed them at night.) But I figured that I needed to work though it.

When Marc buried Guiedo, he put him toward the back of our property under some trees. I can look out the bathroom window every morning and see his little area. Marc covered it with some really nice pavers, so I think it will be permanent. It may sound silly, but it brings me some comfort to know that I can still talk to him every morning like I always did. He'll always be a part of my heart, but now I know he'll always be in our backyard as well.

Like I said, each day gets easier. But, I don't think there will ever come a day when I don't miss Guiedo.