October 7, 2010

Jumping Back In...

I've decided to jump back into blogging! So, I'm going to start with our recent trip to Disney World and go from there. I might go back and fill in the blanks with things that happened earlier in the year, but I haven't decided, yet. So here goes...

Marc and I flew into Orlando on Saturday. We had an interesting trip there. When I checked in for our flight on Friday, Delta sent me a message saying that the flight was overbooked, and we could possibly be offered incentives to change our flight. I told Marc there was NO WAY I was changing our flights! We were going to Disney World, and we not going to miss a moment of our trip, no matter how great the incentives were.

So, on Saturday morning, we arrived at the airport at 4:15am for our 6:20am flight. We take carry-ons, so we were able to skip the check-in line, and we were through security in less than five minutes. When we arrived at our gate, a Delta attendant was already there, and she began telling us about the incentives if we wanted to change our flight. The whole time, I was thinking to myself that there was NO WAY we were changing. But then, she had to bring little blind children into the conversation. That opened my ears!

The flight was short by nine seats, because a group of blind children who had attended Space Camp got bumped from their flight the previous day, along with a whole bunch of other people. Unfortunately for them, they ALL had to be on the same plane. So, the Delta attendant offered us $400 in flight vouchers and an earlier flight on another airline if we were willing to switch. We were in!

Our flight went through Washington, DC instead of Atlanta, so that alone was worth it. (I hate flying through Atlanta!) We were also able to see the Washington Monument and the Capital Building. (Pretty cool!) Marc and I also got better seats on both flights, so it worked out well.

After picking up our rental car, we were on our way to Saratoga Springs Resort! We were assigned a room in our favorite section, the Grandstand. We were even in the same building in the same perfect location! After unpacking, we headed over to Cape May Cafe at the Beach Club for dinner. We were seated with our favorite server, Genesis.

After dinner, we made a quick trip over to Epcot to see a friend, then spent the rest of the night at Magic Kingdom. We were off to a wonderful start!