October 8, 2010

Boo to You!

Marc, Kelli, and I went to Mickey's No So Scary Halloween Party on October 3. Marc and I went last year and had a blast, so there was no way we were skipping it this year!

As you walk into the park, there are lots of pumpkin characters. Here is the Mayor and the bandleader.

When we first got there, we rode a few rides in Tomorrowland, so the crowds of non-partygoers would have a chance to clear out. Then, we started alternating between rides and trick or treat stations. We ended up hauling quite a bunch of candy.

Since Kelli had to leave the party a little early, we decided to watch the first Boo to You! parade. We staked out a spot in Frontierland and waited for the parade. Pretty soon, the Headless Horseman began to ride which signaled the start of the parade.

And of course, I got to see some of my favorite characters!

One of my favorite parts of the parade is the Haunted Mansion scene. They have the grave diggers and the ghost dancers.

They also have the cemetery keeper and his dog.

Here are some other creepy characters:

Then Goofy brings around the good stuff from Goofy's Candy Company. We collected tons of candy!

So, our final count for the night was three gallon-sized bags full of candy. (It definitely added to the weight of our carry-ons.) I think we did pretty well!