October 8, 2010

Hollywood Studios

We were at Hollywood Studios for rope drop. Everyone must've slept in, because there was only a hand full of people there. We were able to casually walk over to Toy Story Midway Mania to get our FastPasses. No mad rush of crazy runners!

After gathering those, we went over to The Great Movie Ride in hopes of Marc being able to see the cowboy scene. Not only has he never seen it, he has only been able to see a female Bugsy. So, we asked the castmember which scene was running, and she told us she didn't know, but it we were going to get on the ride, we needed to hurry up and stop asking questions. (Gasp!) I couldn't believe how rude she was!

Much to our surprise, Marc was finally able to see a male Bugsy!

I was finally able to get some good pictures in the Wizard of Oz scene.

After The Great Movie Ride, we went through the arch and headed over to The Magic of Disney Animation building.

Marc and I discovered this little gem a few trips ago, and it's a must every time we're in Hollywood Studios. They have several awesome activities to do while you're waiting to go to Animation Academy. This contraption lets you draw and paint famous Disney characters. The screens in the background let you add voiceovers.

This building is also a character greeting location. This was the stage to meet Lotso:

And Yensid, from Fantasia, appeared on this stage:

Next up was Animation Academy! The character we were drawing was from The Princess and the Frog, so I was a little disappointed it wasn't one of the Fab Four. (I'm trying to draw a complete set, so we can have them framed. Oh well!)

At least we were able to find a Hidden Mickey!

After Animation Academy, Marc and I split up our APs and got one FastPass for Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and one FastPass for Tower of Terror. (My motion sickness patch had fallen off earlier, and I didn't want to put on a new one!) So, I took pictures while he did this thing.

And, as a bonus, we saw a few characters on our way out of the park.

So, it was a very good day at Hollywood Studios! Now back to the resort to rest for Extra Magic Hours at Magic Kingdom!


Jana said...

Great pictures!