October 2, 2008

Sidebar: A Field Trip to the Botanical Gardens

Today we took our 2nd grade classes on a field trip to the Botanical Gardens. We do this trip every year, but I always manage to find something new, so it's never boring. The weather was perfect! It started off a little cool, but warmed up to a nice comfortable temperature. Don't you just love fall?

My group started our tour in the Butterfly House. The kids love to explore and find all the animals. The good thing is that the Butterfly House only has one entrance/exit, so an adult mans the door, and the kids are free to roam around. Of course, I just had to take some pictures!

We got to see lots of butterflies.

We also saw a cute box turtle, and the kids got to pet him.

After the Butterfly House, we headed over to the Water Garden. The kids got to "fish" using nets and buckets. They usually only catch little minnows, but this year several kids caught frogs. Big frogs! They were so excited!

The Water Garden is such a beautiful place! The pictures always seem to come out perfectly.

On the way to and from the Water Garden, we spotted several interesting scarecrows on the Scarecrow Trail. This year's entries were very creative! These were some of my favorites:

Wonder Woman

Academy for Arts and Academics

A Mixed-Up Scarecrow
(I don't really understand the confusion...
you can never go wrong with orange and blue!)

Flushed Crow

Sally and Jack Skellington

All in all, it was a very good day! We really enjoyed the weather, the animals, and the scenery.