October 9, 2008

Animal Kingdom - Part II

After Expedition Everest, we headed over to Africa to do the Kilimanjaro Safari. Along the way, we saw a group of tribal musicians. Awesome!

The safari is another very popular attraction, so we were lucky to not have to wait very long to ride it. At the beginning, you board a big truck with a ton of seats. It's a free-standing vehicle...not attached to a track or guide rail...but unfortunately, the driver is not allowed to stop for pictures. So, I was snapping as quickly as I could. I didn't get as many pictures as I would've liked, because my camera was on the wrong setting. Duh! But this is what I did get:

When we drove by a group of rhinos, one was really close to the truck. Thisclose! Now, I know these things are known to be mean, so I was very nervous. I could've literally reached out and touched it. But I'm sure Disney had everything under control. Right? Still very scary!

This picture shows how close our truck was to the rhino!

After the safari, we went to see the Festival of the  Lion King. Again, I took a ton of pictures, so they'll be in the next post.