October 9, 2008

Monday Night at Epcot

After Animal Kingdom, we went back to our rooms to freshen up. I really didn't feel good at that point, so I took a little catnap. Since we were going to Cape May for dinner, the dinner that Marc was really looking forward to, I forced myself to get up and go. (And I would regret it later...)

We took the Friendship boats over to the Beach Club for dinner. Afterwards, the sun was beginning to set, and I was able to get some great pictures!

Cute bunny!

We got to Epcot via another Friendship boat. This is a picture of France taken from England.

Mo'Rockin in (you guessed it...) Morocco!

Also in Morocco...

Now we're movin' to Italy!

A beautiful fountain in Italy

Does this qualify as a Hidden Mickey?

Spaceship Earth

Another close-up of Spaceship Earth. I love how clear and crisp this picture is.

And of course the obligatory pose!

We also watched Illuminations, and I took a bunch of pictures. However, they didn't really come out too well, so I'm not going to post them. Maybe next time I'll skip the pictures and just watch the show. 

Later that night, I got very sick, and I was up for most of the night. I won't go into all the lovely details, but it wasn't pretty, and I never want to go back to Flame Tree! So there!


Anonymous said...

Good good good......