July 5, 2008

Hancock and Wall-E

Marc and I went to two really good movies this week. We went to see Hancock today. 

It was an action comedy, so I really didn't know what to expect. But, it had Wil Smith in it, so I figured it couldn't be too bad. Marc had been wanting to see it since it came out on Wednesday. So, we decided that today was a good day to see it. It's about a super hero, whom everyone hates because he's so violent. He works with a public relations guy to better his image. It kept my attention the whole time, and it had a really good ending. Oh, and I loved his super hero suit!

We also went to see Wall-E earlier this week. It was another movie that Marc really wanted to see. I figured it would be really boring because all the previews I had seen made it out to be a love story between two robots that didn't talk. However, it was about a lot more and turned out to be a cute movie. The only thing I didn't care for was that it seemed to have an environmental warming, pollution, etc. Nothing like a good old movie to brainwash the little ones. Anyways, we both really liked it.

These are two movies I definitely recommend! Two thumbs up!   thumbsup2.gif   thumbsup2.gif