May 29, 2008

Not a Good Week for Ice Cream

Tonight, my Bunco group got together for our monthly game. While we were playing, Marc and Adam met each other for dinner. After they ate, they went to Cold Stone Creamery, which is my new favorite ice cream shop...Sorry Brusters!

So, not only did Marc jack my ice cream the other night, now he has gone to Cold Stone without me! I am not happy, and I will get even!


Marc said...

This is Marc. I wish to defend Adam and myself. We both called and text messaged our lovely wives and never heard back from one of them. The on who didn't call back, who's phone was on silent, was the one who happens to be blogging right now.
thank you for your time.
Marc :0

Adam said...

We tried over and over to contact our wives before entering Cold Stone, we even waited outside a few minutes hoping our wives would call us back. Unfortunately one had there phone on silent and never called, the other(my wife) called me back but it was after we had already left. Marc felt real bad about going without Karen, it was probably more my fault for pushing Marc into going.

Karen said...

Boys are sooooo funny!