May 20, 2008

Feeling Overwhelmed!

Well, we only have two days left of school (actually one and a half) and I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed! I have a laudry list of things to do, and at the top of my list is getting my room packed away. I dread this every year, but I always manage to get it done somehow. This time last year, I was working with a ruptured disc, so I guess it could always be worse.

So, this is what my room looked like on the first day of school:

Notice how bright and shiny everything was and how inviting it looks? Well, this is what it looks like today:

And this is what my desk looks like:

And this what my table, where a usually work instead of using my desk, looks like:

Isn't that pathetic? Wouldn't you want to walk into your child's classroom and see this mess? Well, we are having our classroom party tomorrow afternoon, and this is exactly what my students' parents are going to see. There's just no getting around it, because there just aren't enough hours in the day. And to top it off, the AC in my classroom isn't working, so we are all hot and miserable.

So, I think my break/cool off time is over, and I better get back to work. Time's a tickin' away!