May 5, 2008

Anyone Hungry?

Each year, I work with my 2nd graders to compile a cookbook for their Mother's Day gifts. I absolutely love making them, and the kids get really excited about them, too. When I was in Kindergarten, I got to make a similar cookbook for my mother, and it is still one of the gifts she cherishes the most.

One of the things that I love about the books is that the kids usually have no concept of measurements and time, so the recipes usually turn out really funny. For example:

Macaroni & Cheese

1 cup of Easy Mac
Some hot water

Pour the Easy Mac in a bowl. It should be dry. Then, add 1 teaspoon of hot water. Put it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. Take it out of the microwave, then put some cheese in it and stir it up.

Is that just precious? Obviously, this child's mom makes him Easy Mac a lot, because that is what he chose as his favorite recipe. Another example:

Banana Pancakes

1 box of pancake mix
3 yellow bananas
13 pecans
1 bottle of maple syrup

Pour the pancake mix in a pan. Put the nuts on top of the pancakes. Then, cook the pancakes for about 20 minutes. Put the bananas on top. Put the pancakes on a plate and put syrup on top.

Again, I just loved this recipe. He was very, and I do mean very, specific about the directions. When I asked if he wanted to mix in the bananas with the pancake mix, he adamantly told me "no." Also, don't you just love the "13 pecans." I kept wanting to ask him what would happen if you put 14 pecans in the recipe. What about 12 pecans?

And then last but not least, this one is my absolute favorite so far this year:

Chicken Nuggets

1 bag of chicken nuggets from Walmart or Target
1 bottle of ketchup (although you should already have some at home)

Put the chicken nuggets on a plate. Put them in the microwave for 2 minutes. Take them out and put them on another plate. Put ketchup on the plate and then put the plate on a table tray. Then you can eat them.

Doesn't that just make you want a big ol' plate of chicken nuggets?