December 31, 2008

Connecticut Snow on New Year's Eve

I finally got my wish to see some fresh Connecticut snow! I've always wanted to take pictures of the beautiful houses set against the snow, and I was not disappointed! The next few pictures speak for themselves.

Today we went to Branford Supply Pond. I have this thing about the contrast of snow and water. Isn't it beautiful?

Someone had just fed the ducks some donuts, so they were being still enough that I could take some pictures of them.

The next two pictures have got to be my two favorites. I absolutely love old church buildings, and these were within a block of each other. I hit the jackpot!

Old cemeteries are another one of my fascinations. In the Branford area, many of them date back to the late 1600s/early 1700s. This one had stones that dated in the late 1700s, so I couldn't resist taking a few pictures.

We also went down by the shoreline. There are several mansions down there that look like dollhouses. 

And of course, we have more pictures of the ocean.

We also went to Branford Point. There are a lot of houses in that area that, to me, are quintessential Connecticut homes. They were absolutely beautiful in the snow!

More pictures from the Point:

We spotted this seagull chillin' in the snow.

He stayed pretty still but got a little upset when another seagull got too close.

I took 147 pictures today, so this is only a small sampling of them. I tried to pick out my favorites to post. It's definitely a day I won't soon forget!

Playing in the Snow

Like I said in the previous post, it snowed today in Connecticut! At about 10:00am, this is what had already accumulated:

Marc and I went outside and my brother-in-law, Dave, took some pictures of us in the snow. The snow was blowing so hard that it kept getting on the camera lens.

This would have been a really great picture of us, but there was snow on the lens. No matter what I did, it kept getting covered with snow.

Then the wind started really kicking up. I don't think I've ever been that cold in my life!

Marc and I started laughing so hard, because we could barely keep our eyes open. The snow was so cold in our eyes.

I love this picture of Marc! He is so in his element!

He decided to shovel a path to the car.

Something you don't see around Huntsville...a plow truck! I promise you, every other vehicle we saw had a plow attached to the front of it.

I love seeing the contrast of the snow against the ocean.

While we were driving around, we saw this cute dog sitting in a driveway. He was watching kids down the road play in the snow. 

Couldn't you just eat him up? He was so precious!

I decided to split up my posts and make another one devoted to the beautiful scenery we saw while driving around Branford today. I'll get it posted as soon as I can!

It's Snowing!

Last night before we went to bed, all the local news stations were buzzing about the chances of snow. I woke up at 7:00 this morning, and there wasn't a bit of snow on the ground. By 9:00, though, it was coming down and coming down fast!

Of course, I had to get out and play in the snow! I took this series of pictures to show how quickly the snow was falling:

About 11:00am

About 12:00pm

About 1:00pm

About 2:00pm

It's been a long time since I've seen this much snow! Marc and I drove around Branford and took pictures. I loved every minute of it!

December 30, 2008

Real Pizza

Last night, Marc and I decided to grab some pizza from Marco for dinner. Of course, Marc ordered his white clam pizza, and I ordered a well-done bacon pizza. They were so yummy!

White Clam Pizza

Well-Done Bacon Pizza

Today for lunch, we met up with one of Marc's best friends, his wife, and son. We went to Pepe's Pizza, which is a must-visit for each trip. Mike, Travina, and Ryan ordered a large half cheese/half chicken pizza, Marc ordered a small a white clam pizza, and I ordered a small well-done bacon pizza without mozzarella. 

Pepe's Pizzeria in New Haven, CT

The Old Pepe's Sign

Half Cheese/Half Chicken Pizza

White Clam Pizza

"Well-Done" Bacon Pizza
(That wasn't so well-done!)

I have to say that this was the first time I've ever been disappointed with Pepe's Pizza. It was okay, but it wasn't great. I still remember the first time I tasted that burnt, thin, crispy crust. It was like nothing I had ever had before. There's no pizza at home that even comes close. But like I said before, it was not great today.

After talking to the server, we found out why. I guess new customers were complaining that the crust was too thin, and the pizzas were coming out burnt and being sent back. So, I guess they changed the way they make the pizzas, and you could definitely tell. I think they've lost some long-time customers over the changes, too. I doubt we'll be back. We can get wonderful pizzas from Marco for a few dollars less. Can't beat that!

December 29, 2008

Fresh Steamed Goodness from the Ocean

This is what Marc, his mom, and I had for lunch today:

This is George the lobster. He'd say hello, but he's a little bit steamed right now! 
(Get it...steamed?)

Marc was really excited to dig in. (Karen, hurry up and take the picture already!)

I love Connecticut!

December 28, 2008

Rockin' It...Old School

Marc and his mom playing Rock Band!