December 2, 2009

If You Wanted It, You Could've Just Asked!

Every week, I take a few bottles of water to put in the community fridge at school. I clearly label them with my name, so they don't get mixed up with someone else's bottles. I have to do this because our school superintendent deemed it financially excessive for each teacher to have their own fridges and microwaves in their classrooms. We were told a few weeks ago to turn them off and make sure they were out of our classrooms.

So, skip to today at lunch time. I went to get a bottle of nice, cold, refreshing water out of the fridge. THEY WERE ALL GONE! GONE! I did a double take when I realized that every single bottle of water was GONE!

The part that bothers me the most is not knowing if it was a coworker that took the water or if it was a student. I hate not being able to trust people over a bottle of water that costs about 13 cents. (Well, multiply that by five...) If they really wanted a bottle, I would've been more than happy to give them one, but instead they stole it. I can't get passed that fact.

Now, I've decided to take a couple of bottles a day and just keep them in my insulated lunchbox. They may or may not stay cold, but at least I know I'll be able to drink one when I want it and not have to worry about it being stolen. Oh well...Life goes on!