September 29, 2009

So Much to Do, So Much Time!

I decided to take a "Mental Health Day" tomorrow to prepare for our trip. I still have several things to do, like cleaning the house, and instead of running around crazy every night this week, I'm going to get the majority of it done tomorrow. That way, I can take care of any last minute things on Thursday afternoon and come home ready to relax on Friday. I decided that there's no need to leave for vacation already being exhausted!

I have my list of weekly things to do that I keep on the computer. I just added some trip preparations to the list, so I feel like I have a pretty good handle on everything. I also have a list of things to pack. It's the same list I've used since last September, only I've added a few things as our needs have changed. (Such as pop-up hampers! I don't know how we lived without those on our first trip!)

We have a dog/house sitter, Brian, who is going to be here while we're gone. While it's nice having someone here to watch over the house, I love the fact that Salvie doesn't have to go to a kennel. He loves Brian, and he's so much more comfortable at home, especially now that he's gotten older and more frail.

Well, it's time to check a few more things off my to-do list. I need to get to bed early tonight, because I have a lot to do tomorrow. Wish me luck!

September 28, 2009

Long Time No Blog!

Sometimes life just gets in the way....of blogging! It's been a while since I have written anything, because quite frankly, I just haven't been interested in it. But we're getting ready to leave for Disney World in five days, and I'm really excited about that. Marc and I are spending Fall Break there, and we really need the break! We deserve it after the past two months of school/college!

Marc and I have had a lot of changes at work, and if there's one thing I don't handle well, it's change! This year we lost a classroom unit, so we're down to two 2nd grades. That put our student numbers a little high, so I have 19 students. Boy, I didn't realize what a difference three kids could make! I'm also adjusting to having a new principal, which was pretty intimidating. I loved working for my previous principal, so it's been a bit challenging to change!

Marc also has a new assistant principal. He has to work pretty closely with her, so it's been great that he gets along well with her. His boss also retired this year, too. Like my former principal, his former boss was great to work for, so she will be missed!

So, I've been busy the last few days gathering and packing for our trip. I can't wait to get there...Come on Saturday!!!