December 22, 2010

Brunch at Palo

On our "At Sea" day, Marc and I went to brunch at Palo. Palo is an adults-only restaurant that requires reservations. When our reservation window came open, Palo was all booked. We were really disappointed, because that was one of the things that Marc really wanted to do while we were on the cruise. Lucky for us, a reservation came open a couple of weeks before we set sail!

Ginger Ale, Mimosas, and Water

After we were seated and ordered our drinks, our server walked us around to each station and showed us the offerings.

Bread and Cheese Station

Bread and Cheese Station

Bread and Cheese Station

Antipasto Station

Antipasto Station

Seafood Station

Seafood Station

Entree Station

Entree Station

Entree Station

Fruit and Pastry Station

Fruit and Pastry Station

Dessert Station

Then it was time to get started enjoying this wonderful food. We started off slowly...

My first plate...

Marc's first plate...

And my first dessert plate!

We each sampled around the stations and ordered some delicious entrees. I also went back for another dessert plate. Yum! If we ever take another Disney cruise, Palo will definitely be on our to-do list!