March 24, 2009

An Afternoon in the Magic Kingdom

After getting everything settled in our room and grabbing a quick lunch, we made our way over to Magic Kingdom. It is my favorite park, and although Marc always accuses me of planning more days there, it was logistically the best plan. We had 7:00pm reservations at Kona, so I had planned to hop on a monorail to get to the Polynesian from Magic Kingdom.

I was like a giddy little girl on the way there! I was so excited, and so was Marc. Before we could enjoy the park, though, we had to take care of some business. We had to upgrade our 7-day non-expiring Park Hoppers (that we only paid for at the 4-day rate!) to Annual Passes! We not only ended up saving a ton of money, but we got $40 back as a refund. Total surprise!

Now we were set with our Annual Passes and ready to go play! Of course, we had to stop and say hello to Walt and Minnie first!

Marc and I strolled down Main Street and checked out some of the shops. It was so nice to be able to relax and not rush, since we know we'll be back in May. We also checked the Swiss Family Treehouse and rode Pirates of the Caribbean. We also had to take the obligatory picture in front of the castle!

Now, on to dinner at Kona!