September 30, 2008

Our First Night

Marc and I rode down to Florida with Adam and Suzie. We left Huntsville at about 2:o0 on Saturday morning and headed toward Disney World. Several hours and many catnaps later, we arrived at our hotel and checked in. This is what was on our bed when we opened the door:

Of course, we had to put our 10-year anniversary sign up on the door, too!

After we got our clothes put away and got freshened up, we headed over to Disney's Hollywood Studios and met up with Chris and Jana. We managed to get in one ride on Tower of Terror, and everyone except me rode on Rockin' Roller Coaster. I didn't want to overdo it after being in the car so long that day. (And I later found out that it didn't really agree with me anyway...major motion sickness!)

Later that night, we headed back to the Animal Kingdom Lodge and enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Boma. I really wasn't too sure about what to expect from an authentic African restaurant, but it was really good. They even had chicken fingers and mac and cheese, so I couldn't complain too much. It was very yummy, though!

So, we were off to a good start and ready to hit the Hollywood Studios again the next morning! Some of our group would even get to experience a Magical Moment!