September 30, 2008

Our First Night

Marc and I rode down to Florida with Adam and Suzie. We left Huntsville at about 2:o0 on Saturday morning and headed toward Disney World. Several hours and many catnaps later, we arrived at our hotel and checked in. This is what was on our bed when we opened the door:

Of course, we had to put our 10-year anniversary sign up on the door, too!

After we got our clothes put away and got freshened up, we headed over to Disney's Hollywood Studios and met up with Chris and Jana. We managed to get in one ride on Tower of Terror, and everyone except me rode on Rockin' Roller Coaster. I didn't want to overdo it after being in the car so long that day. (And I later found out that it didn't really agree with me anyway...major motion sickness!)

Later that night, we headed back to the Animal Kingdom Lodge and enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Boma. I really wasn't too sure about what to expect from an authentic African restaurant, but it was really good. They even had chicken fingers and mac and cheese, so I couldn't complain too much. It was very yummy, though!

So, we were off to a good start and ready to hit the Hollywood Studios again the next morning! Some of our group would even get to experience a Magical Moment!


On Friday, September 19, I went to Nashville to see my younger sister graduate from culinary school. Kelli graduated with a degree in culinary arts with an emphasis on baking and pastries. I am so proud of all the hard work she has put into getting her degree! 

Kelli is planning to stay in Nashville right now, because there are so many more job opportunities in a bigger city. Wherever she ends up, I'm sure she'll do an excellent job!

September 29, 2008

Back to Reality!

Well, we are officially back to reality! Marc and I got home from Disney World last night, and we headed back to work today. Ugh!

We got home at about 7:30pm, and we were exhausted! We quickly checked our email, ordered a pizza, and began the unpacking process. I managed to get a couple loads of laundry done before I went to bed, and I slept hard until it was time to get up at 6:00am.

Somehow, I made it through work today. I was in a post-Disney daze for most of the day. After sorting through seven days worth of mail, Marc and I went to eat dinner at Mason's. (We had two sets of 1/2 price gift certificates that came in the mail...good timing!) After dinner, we made sure Marc had everything he needs for school tomorrow night, and now we're ready for bed!

So, I will post pictures of our trip over the next few days. I'm still sorting through them and trashing the bad ones. With over 1000 pictures, that's a process in itself! Stay tuned!

September 16, 2008

Four More Days!

Well, we only have four more days before our Disney trip, and crunch time is here. We are almost completely packed and only have a few more things to do at home to be ready to leave. Now, work is a completely different story.

I've been working on my lesson plans, copies, etc. at work for the past few weeks. I had planned to wrap everything up this week, because it was my week full of special classes. (Special classes=Free planning time for me!) How quickly things change! Today was supposed to be counseling day, but that was canceled because our counselor had to unexpectedly go out of town. No big deal, it happens all the time. Then at about 10:00, I got a new student! I had to rush around to find her a desk and get everything ready for her to take home today. The good thing is she's really a sweet little girl!

So, tomorrow was supposed to be my big day...I would only have my students until 1:00 and the rest of the day would be planning time. So, right after my new student arrived this morning, my principal came into my classroom and told me that I needed to go to a meeting out of the building tomorrow afternoon from 12:00-3:00. Great! Just what I needed! Did I also say that I would be out of town on Friday, too?

So, I worked on my plans every free chance I got today. Then, right as I finished my plans, I got an email from our Reading Coach saying that we weren't supposed to teach Reading next week. Oh well, too late to change my class is doing Reading next week! So, there!

Four more days! Four more days! Four more days!

September 13, 2008


Marc has crossed a line and become a traitor! 

Marc as a typical Alabama fan! 
(Don't you love the expression?)

Boy, what's wrong with you? Don't you know you're supposed to be an Auburn fan? Haven't I taught you anything? That's like saying you're a Cowboys fan and going to a Patriots game! I just don't get it!?!?!

Well, Marc left at about 11:00 with Adam, and they were headed to the dreaded "T-town" to watch the Alabama game. (I think Adam calls it "God's Country" or something like that.) Anyway, the other night, Marc decided to buy an Alabama hat. I tried to forbid it, but he insisted. He did find the dorkiest hat with an "A" on it, but still. I guess I can forgive him this time, just as long as it doesn't become a habit. If it does, then we'll have to talk!

PS  Adam:  I'm sorry about the Alabama fan comment...I had to do it!

September 12, 2008

A What?

This morning at about 4:00, one of our dogs was outside barking like crazy. I checked on him, just figuring he was barking at one of the many critters we have around here. He settled down, but I was never able to go back to sleep.

Fast forward to tonight...Marc came back into the house after he finished mowing the yard. He told me he had found the most interesting thing in the back armadillo. A what? An armadillo! 

It has burrowed down at the base of our foundation, right near the pipes running into the bathroom. How on earth do these kinds of things keep happening to us?

So, Marc tried to "remove" it, but the armadillo was having none of it. So, we still have an armadillo in our yard. We're just going to wait a few hours and see if it decides to leave. Hopefully, it has somewhere else to be!

Update: Our "visitor" has left the yard! 

September 7, 2008

Get'cha Popcorn Ready!

Are you ready for some football? I know I am! The Dallas Cowboys play the Cleveland Browns this afternoon at 3:15pm. I'll be in front of the TV with my #81 T.O. jersey on! Go Cowboys!

Oh, and by the way, Marc and I were at this game when the picture above was taken. Priceless!

September 6, 2008

Okay, Here's the New Commercial

The quality is bad, but here's the newest commercial: Commercials

Does anybody else love the commercials like I do? I don't know what it is about them, but I just can't get enough of them. This one has to be my favorite one yet:

Isn't it a catchy little tune? You just can't help but sing along with it!

So, this morning, I was in the bathroom getting ready, and Mark kept yelling for me to come into the living room. I was thinking there was something wrong, but he just wanted to show me the newest commercial. It's still not posted on You Tube, but as soon as it is, I'll post it here.

September 4, 2008

The Apple Barn Cider Mill & General Store

On Saturday, we ate at the Applewood Farmhouse Grill. This has become sort of a yearly tradition for our family. The food is so good, and you get a ton of it. To begin with, everyone gets apple fritters served with warm apple butter and a glass of iced apple juleps. Then you get a cup of soup, and lastly you get your entree. We are talking a ton of food! I'd be happy with just the fritters and juleps, but everything else is wonderful, too.

After we stuffed ourselves, we headed over to The Apple Barn Cider Mill and General Store. It's basically a cluster of little shops on the main grounds. 

First we visited the general store, because I wanted to buy some apple butter. Marc also bought some fresh apple cider that was really good!

My parents went next door to the bakery and got some fresh fried apple pies.

Then, we went to the candy shop a few doors down. I loved looking at all the neat candy displays. 

I bought one of these weird-shaped creamsicle lollipops, and my dad bought some homemade peanut butter cups.

We walked around a little bit more, then decided to call it a night. It had been a long day!

September 3, 2008

Ripley's Davy Crockett Mini-Golf

We saw this cute little mouse on the 3rd hole:

A little ways up the course, we had to play "Gopher Plinko" to get the ball in the hole.

A close up of the gophers, some of which would sing for you as your ball went down the shoot:

I thought this beaver and frog were really cute!

In true Southern fashion, they had a clothesline...

complete with a sweet little opossum hanging on it.

There was also an outhouse with a clothespin-wearing skunk that kept saying "Bone-jur, y'all!" in his best Southern accent.

These two crows kept taunting us as we were trying to hit the ball.

And last, but not least, the 18th hole:

It was a pretty good little course. When we go back, we're going to try the Davy Crockett Trail.

September 2, 2008

A Long Weekend Away

Marc and I left on Friday afternoon and headed up to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. My parents have a place up there, and we were able to get away for a few days. After a rough start to the school year, I really needed this mini-vacation!

We got to Gatlinburg at about 11:00 on Friday night. My dad had already gone to bed, but Marc, my mom, and I stayed up talking until almost 1:30. On Saturday morning, we got up and went to a late breakfast. Then, we headed to Sevierville to go to Tennessee's largest indoor flea market. It was pretty neat, and I bought four cookie cutters and a bag to carry around in Disney World. We ate dinner at Applewood Farmhouse, and it was excellent, as always!

On the way out of the flea market, my mother stumbled on a step (I get my clumsiness from her...) and jarred her back. So, she was not able to go anywhere on Sunday, because she was in a lot of pain. Marc and I headed out to do some shopping. I didn't buy anything, but he got a good deal on a driver, so he was excited! We went to lunch at Fuddrucker's and headed back to Gatlinburg.

Later that night, we went to play mini-golf at Ripley's Davy Crockett course. It was really cute, and we had a lot of fun! We took the trolley back to our place, and I got sick on the way there. Trolleys, hot weather, car sickness, and stinky people do not mix well, let me tell you. I was miserable! 

On Monday, we went to breakfast again with my parents. Then, we split up to do some more shopping. My mother and I went to Old Time Pottery, and Marc and my dad went to some tool store. Again, I didn't buy anything, but we still had fun! Then we went back and packed up our car to head home. 

It was a really good weekend, and I enjoyed spending some time with my parents. Now, only a few more weeks until Disney!