June 10, 2008

Getting Ready to Play in the Dirt

Today, while Marc and I were in town, we stopped by Home Depot to pick up some plants for one of our front yard flower beds. Last week, Marc moved some overgrown shrubs, so we were left with an empty space. I have been really indecisive about what to plant, but today I just bit the bullet and bought what I thought would look good.

We bought some compact evergreen shrubs as base plants:

We also found these gorgeous flowering plants that are in the lily family:

And last but not least, some really cute marigolds:

As a special treat for myself, and an incentive to make sure I water the new plants, I bought one of these handy dandy watering wands:

We also bought some soil and mulch, which is still sitting in my car because it is too heavy for me to lift. I'll have to wait for Marc to get those out for me. Anyway, I can't wait to get started planting! I have everything all laid out and ready to go. I'm so excited to see how it comes out!