April 10, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm? Yeah Right!

Anyone who has ever worked with kids know that they usually act really crazy the day before a storm. Well, today was that day in my classroom. I think the combination of being finished with testing, an approaching storm, and spring fever put the kids in a wild, wild mood today. Even my little sweeties who never get in trouble were acting nuts today, and it wasn't just my class, either. All of us teachers were just shaking our heads in amazement!

The Day Before the Storm

We finally finished with testing yesterday, and it was nice to be back in my classroom with my kids. We followed our normal routine, and the kids seemed to be relieved that I wouldn't be leaving today. I don't care what anyone need structure and routines. It just makes life so much easier.

Tomorrow, we are celebrating the end of testing with Fun Friday! During PE, the kids are going to play on a moon bounce and an inflatable slide. Since the weather isn't going to cooperate, I guess the PE teachers are planning to move everything inside. If not, we are going to have a "Not So Fun Friday." Either way, it will be Friday, and that's always a good thing!