February 3, 2008

Saturday in Birmingham

At the last minute, my parents got the dreaded stomach virus that has been going around and could not go to Nashville with us to celebrate my birthday.  So, my wonderful husband took me to Birmingham for what was probably the best day I have had in a long time.  (My cast came off on Friday!)

Our first stop was The Cheesecake Factory at the Summit.  We had crab wontons for an appetizer, which I highly recommend. They were awesome! 

The Cheesecake Factory

Then after our meal, our server brought a piece of Adam's Reese Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake to our table and sang "Happy Birthday" to me.  What is really sad is that Marc only ate one bite, and I ate the rest!  It was so worth it!  If you've never had dessert at The Cheesecake Factory, you don't know what you're missing!

Before the Gluttony

After the Gluttony

After our wonderful meal, Marc took me to HomeGoods.  It is a store that is owned by TJ Maxx, but they only have items for your home.  The first, and only, HomeGoods I had ever been into was in Connecticut, so I was so excited to find out that there was one in Birmingham! It is such an adventure to shop there, because you never know what kind of treasures they will have. They also have ridiculously low prices!  We spent about $25 and walked out with a set of 22 glasses and a beautiful handmade chip and dip bowl.  


Our next stop was Kirkland's Home.  We have several of these stores in Huntsville, but I always like to look, because they usually have different things.  I didn't buy anything there.

Kirkland's Home

After Kirkland's, we went to World Market, which was around the corner from The Summit. This is another one of those stores I wish we had in Huntsville.  My first experience with World Market was in Fort Worth, Texas a few years ago.  They have a lot of neat things from all around the world.  It is one of those stores where if you find something you like, you better make sure you buy it, because it may not be there when you get back.  So, I found some curtains for the living room that I really liked, and Marc also liked them. Of course, when we decided to buy them, we found that they were out of stock. So, my awesome husband took me to the other World Market (at the Galleria), and we lucked out and found them there.  

I also found some Christmas cards that I had been looking for since before Christmas. I fell in love with these cards when I found one box in Fort Worth while we were there for Thanksgiving.  Since I needed two boxes, I didn't buy them. I also found one box at the first World Market we went to on Saturday.  I was so excited to find two boxes at the last store. They are so precious!

World Market

So, it was a fun-filled day of shopping. Marc made it a wonderful day for me! Not many guys would want to spend the whole day shopping, but he didn't complain once. I have the best husband in the whole world!